Day 4

April 21st


Somehow, in the process of finding definitions, I started to work on the idea of “sharing economy” as imput for the creation of tasks. Postcapitalism and sharing economy is the topic of my next piece, that will be developed during 2016.

I applied the task tool number 1 (creating a task from a word) choosing the word centralization and decentralization to create different kind of tasks. By working on this task, the task was transformed in the trajectory of the choreography and I started to looking for subtasks and scores, which composes each moment of the choreography.


In a certain moment I didn´t know if I was developing tools for improvisation and creation that can be used in any context or if I am just creating a new piece. I don´t know, perhaps both. By dialoging about this crisis with the group, I want to experience one thing: what happen if I assume that I am creating tools to work with postcapitalism in choreography? What happen if I start to develop a way of create choreography that is connected with a critic to our social and economical system?

From this reflection I came to the follow questions that are going to support me in the development of this research. They are:


How can the body dialoges with the idea of postcapitalism?

How to develop a poscapitalist way of creating choreography?

How can dance be political?